Author - Musicologist - Pianist - Inspirational Speaker

If Emma Had Practiced

by Carolyn Finnell

It was the early evening on September 20th when an estimated twenty-five of us convened at Janne Irvine’s home for what was to be, a delightful performance! Janne played the piano and acted out a treasure of a piece called Music in the Novel Emma: If Emma Had Practiced. It turns out that Janne is quite the actress, and the program she put together was with such skill that even those in the audience who had not read Emma were able to follow the storyline with ease. There was much laughter at her wit In role-playing and much praise at the end of every piano performance. Ladies in Regency costume sang Silent Worship, which concluded the program.

An alfresco buffet was enjoyed afterwards in Janne’s beautiful garden patio. A few Regency ladies stayed to practice English Country Dancing until the late hours of the evening.

A wonderful time was had by all, and we thank Janne for such an exquisite performance. It turns out she is quite the entertainer! We look forward to more of these programs! Thank you Janne!

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